My Doodle Puppy Blog

Your ultimate resource for happy doodle puppies!

care, tips Marlene Kingston care, tips Marlene Kingston

The First Few Nights With Your New Maltipoo

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of owning a new puppy, but there is a lot of responsibility and patience involved in settling your puppy into your home. This is her first time away from her momma and it’s a completely new world for her. Here are a few tips to help her settle in:

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health Marlene Kingston health Marlene Kingston

Spaying/Neutering my Maltipoo

If you’ve just welcomed a new puppy into your life, you may have a lot of questions about the when’s and why’s about spaying or neutering. I can answer a few of those questions for you now.

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tips Marlene Kingston tips Marlene Kingston

How to Move With an Anxious Pet

Before you begin your moving process, there are several steps you can take to prevent stress for you and your pet. Tactics like touring the neighborhood beforehand and setting up your pets’ space in the house can make them familiar to your new space.

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facts Marlene Kingston facts Marlene Kingston

We're Here For You: What You Can Expect From Us During Covid-19

Due to these challenging circumstances surrounding Covid-19, I wanted to share our thoughts and how we are handling things to prioritize your health and the transportation of our puppies. We have been making an effort to routinely clean and sterilize our dogs and puppies living environment to keep things as germ free as possible.

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facts, tips Marlene Kingston facts, tips Marlene Kingston

Pet Allergies

Allergies are widespread and almost expected to have; they are the most common chronic condition in the world. Probably every one of us has at least one allergy.

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care, grooming Marlene Kingston care, grooming Marlene Kingston

All the Ways You Can Give Your Pets a Luxurious Life

If you have the means, you can show your pets some serious love with a luxurious life. No matter how you’d like to splurge on your furry friend, you can bet there’s someone who’s providing exactly what you need. As the options for pet luxury expand, chances are there are things you haven’t even thought of yet, but that will make Fido or Fifi feel like the royalty you know they are.

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care, tips Marlene Kingston care, tips Marlene Kingston

How Often Should I Walk My Puppy?

Having a puppy is a handful, and there’s lots of things that you need to know – especially when it comes to walking and exercising your puppy. In this article I’m not just going to tell you how often you need to walk your puppy, but also how long the walks should be depending on the age and breed of your puppy.

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health Marlene Kingston health Marlene Kingston

Hypoglycemia in Maltipoo Puppies

Most people have not heard of puppies getting hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It is not very common, but does occasionally happen. It is more common in the toy and teacup breeds. That is why it is a good idea to keep a close eye on your new puppy until he/she matures and watch for signs of hypoglycemia.

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health, tips Marlene Kingston health, tips Marlene Kingston

When to Vaccinate Your Maltipoo Puppy

Vaccines are needed to protect dogs and puppies from becoming infected by diseases and viruses, such as parvovirus. Be sure to follow a good vaccination schedule. Too many vaccines at the same time or too close together can kill your puppy!

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Maltese vs. Maltipoo
appearance, facts Marlene Kingston appearance, facts Marlene Kingston

Maltese vs. Maltipoo

Let’s start with the obvious. The Maltese is a purebred dog and the Maltipoo is a hybrid dog. In order for a dog to be considered 'purebred' he must be a descendant of known purebreds of the same breed. Most purebred dogs are registered with a kennel club, but it is not required. The clubs were created to keep a guideline that dictates the expected size of the dog, coloring, ear set, tail set etc.. This helps keep a consistent appearance within the breed.

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health, supplies Marlene Kingston health, supplies Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Safety Tips

All Maltipoo parents want what’s best for their puppies, but have you ever stopped to think about whether there were more precautions you could be taking to keep them safe? I have listed a few things you can do to make sure your Maltipoo is well taken care of and safe.

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Maltipoo Lifespan
facts, health Marlene Kingston facts, health Marlene Kingston

Maltipoo Lifespan

Although the average lifespan of all dogs is about 10 - 13 years. Smaller dogs, such as the Maltipoo tend to have a bit longer of a life of 12 to 16 years.

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supplies Marlene Kingston supplies Marlene Kingston

Best Toys for your Maltipoo

Think of your Maltipoo's toys as being tools. Each should serve a specific purpose. Depending on the age of your dog, a dog toy will be: a comforting item, a chewing object to help with teething, a focus item to prevent boredom, a soothing sense of security when left home alone or a way for you and your Maltipoo to bond.

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